Hi there! If you’re reading this you probably know, my name is Devin Rain Leonard! I was born and raised in Bergen County, New Jersey, right outside of NYC. Growing up in a very creative and theatrical family, I was immersed in the arts from a young age. Whether it be tagging along with my dad on tour with his band, Almost Queen, or attached to my moms hip as we brought my sister to and from her stage door at the New Amsterdam Theatre, my childhood was steeped in the world of entertainment. My parents put me in ballet class when I was 5, which sparked a lifelong passion for movement, and I’ve been dancing consistently ever since. I’ve performed in over 30 productions throughout my life, each one teaching me something new and valuable about the theatrical world, and deepening my love for this craft.
Currently, I’m based in Rochester, NY, pursuing my BFA in Musical Theatre with a minor in Dance at Nazareth University, where I will be graduating in May of 2025. While at Naz, I was able to spend a semester in London, studying theatre and acting on the West End. There, I was able to dive deeper into my adoration for Shakespeare and perform in selections from Macbeth on Shakespeare's Globe stage.
When I’m not training or performing, you can probably find me at a Phish concert, a thrift store, traveling around the world, or choreographing shows for the next generation! I also tour and record with my dad’s band, The Steve Leonard Band, as a backup vocalist.
About Me!
On stage at Shakespeare’s Globe after performing selections from “Macbeth“

Devin Rain Leonard as Helga in "Cabaret" at Nazareth University
Devin Rain Leonard and Jaiden Leo Riley backstage in "Crazy for You" at Nazareth University

Devin Rain Leonard as Emma in "The Curse of the Starving Class" at Nazareth University
Devin Rain Leonard on Shakespeares Globe stage where she performed selections from "Macbeth"

Devin Rain Leonard performing with "Steve Leonard Band" at BergenPAC in New Jersey

Devin Rain Leonard as Helga in "Cabaret" at Nazareth University

Devin Rain Leonard and Ally Wolfe as Helga and Texas in "Cabaret" at Nazareth University

Devin Rain Leonard as Emma in "The Curse of the Starving Class" at Nazareth University

Devin Rain Leonard and Jaiden Leo Riley backstage in "Crazy for You" at Nazareth University

Devin Rain Leonard and Kit Kat Girls in "Cabaret" at Nazareth University

Devin Rain Leonard as Tess in "Crazy for You" at Nazareth University

Devin Rain Leonard and Kit Kat Girls in "Cabaret" at Nazareth University
Devin Rain Leonard and Kit Kat Girls in "Cabaret" at Nazareth University (Goat Factory Media)

Devin Rain Leonard and Gina Incandela as Jamie and Kathy in a reimagining of "The Last Five Years" at Nazareth Univeristy

Devin Rain Leonard as Helga in "Cabaret" at Nazareth University

Devin Rain Leonard as Helga in "Cabaret" at Nazareth University
The Showgirls in "Crazy for You" at Nazareth University